Chelsea's Guestbook

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Jody   9:32, Jul 11,2007  Edit

yeah~ the first one~  

ReplyCongratulations! You are really fast. Please visit often!

Cherry   9:37, Jul 11,2007  Edit

Chelsea 好叻, 一個月已經識抬高頭啦

睇到你地嘅 website, 就可以感受到你地對兩個女兒的愛, 好溫馨


祝 Chelsea 快高長大

ReplyYes, she looks develop very fast, in second month already see her lower jaw central incisor are growing.

安娜   Website  9:58, Jul 11,2007  Edit

好可愛呀~~~ 個頭仔好圓呀~~~
松鼠爸爸有兩個咁得意既囡囡... 其實似係松鼠媽媽既功勞囉... 

但記住教囡囡叫我姐姐好喇... 嘩哈哈~~~

ReplyYes, both are Noel's praiseworthy achievement, mother always is the greatest of all.
I will teach them that younger than her mother is call sister, older than mother is auntie.

Chanbibi   12:56, Jul 11,2007  Edit

肥嘟嘟bb, 同我bb時有得揮, 有勁敵呀..............!

ReplyUnlucky she is living in Hong Kong, there is a trend to slim.
Therefore, after birth, the initial action is dieting to lose her fat.
Don't worry, just a joke.Joke

Ian Chant   20:54, Jul 26,2007  Edit

Great site - Chelsea looks beautiful.....for your next baby maybe "Watford" would be a nice name. You need to understand English football to get that.

ReplyThanks! It's so great that you pay a visit to the web site. Please visit more often when you have time. Though I know little of English football, I can always ask my husband for guidance. Anyway, I am gaining more appreciation on English football now after Chelsea.

P.S. If I ever had a 3rd baby, I will seriously consider "Watford" - but I guess it needs to be a boy to do so, right?

Clare Ashbee   21:34, Jul 27,2007  Edit

Chelsea is really beautiful, wishing her a happy and prosperous life.  Please keep me updated with her progress, Clare x 

ReplyThanks very much! We'll try our best to get the latest pictures on this site, and we'll surely need to get Chelsea to meet you when you come to HK! Cheers!

Julia Philpot   17:42, Jul 31,2007  Edit

Hi Noel and Kevin.  Chelsea looks adorable!  These fantastic pictures are making me broody as I would love to have a little girl!  I wish Chelsea all the happiness in the world!

ReplyWe are so happy for you to visit the web site. Thanks very much for your best wishes! You should have a baby girl when William gets older! I think little William will be happy to have a companion, right? Anyway, please say hello to him from little Chelsea and Cherri.

貓 貓     11:25, Nov 3,2007  Edit

個 bb 女三個月大o個張好可愛呀 


QEgg     Website  17:09, Nov 28,2007  Edit

車女愈大愈靚女, 又得意!

我鍾意佢d頭髮, 好型!


Stella 姨姨     9:39, Jul 3,2008  Edit



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